A Community of Misfits on a Mission

Annual Meeting: God as Counselor


Join other misfits this Sunday for a special worship gathering. We will continue in our “Mutterfest” celebrations with a combined Pentecost worship service and Annual Meeting. This week’s theme is God as Counselor, since the Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of Wisdom.
Rev. Christie Melby-Gibbons
We are also honored to welcome a special guest speaker, Rev. Christie Melby-Gibbons, who is the Executive Director of Tricklebee Cafe in Milwaukee, a Moravian ministry. This Sunday is an “all-ages” Sunday so the children will be present with us in the service. Our good friend Will Lee will lead us in musical worship, members of the Roots Unified Board will give updates, and Pastors T. C. and Osheta will both give “State of the Church” messages.


annual meeting
