A Community of Misfits on a Mission

Sunday Worship Gathering

rooted & established

This Sunday, we’re wrapping up our “Rooted & Established” stewardship series. Pastor Osheta is going to teaching on Intentional Hospitality. There will be Little Branches Kids Ministry. And Cabin of Love will be leading us in musical worship. Coffee “Hour” begins at 9:30. Service starts at 10:00.

Rooted & Established Pledge Cards

We’re also collecting the one-page Pledge Cards we distributed at the beginning of this series, giving every household opportunity to discern where God in community stewardship. If you haven’t received a pledge card, you can still download it from the Roots Website.

And if you missed the Kick-off sermon of the Rooted & Established series on Stewardship, you can still hear it here and Apple Podcasts.
