A Community of Misfits on a Mission

Worship Gathering (Asher’s Baptism!)

This Sunday we have the opportunity to bless and welcome Asher James Krueger into the family of God and the church of Jesus Christ through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. In baptizing Asher we will celebrate the New Covenant of God’s grace. This grace has been given generously to us because of Jesus, not because of our worthiness. As we baptize Asher an infant who is wholly loved by God just as he is, we will also reflect on God’s love for us just as we are. As the body of Christ and their spiritual family, we will surround Tim and Naomi, along with Asher’s grandparents and Godparents, with prayer and commit together to raising Asher to be a disciple of Jesus. We will promise our support to Tim and Naomi as they parent Asher with grace and hope. Join us for this beautiful occasion in the life of our church.

A community potluck to celebrate will follow the service. You can sign up to bring a dish when you submit your RSVP. If you can’t bring a dish to share for any reason, please come anyway – we want you there!

To RSVP: https://www.punchbowl.com/parties/aae92cc06f25f1142f10

Many people today think faith is about checking our brains at the door, but the Way of Jesus engages our whole selves—including both our hearts and minds. “Misfits U” is a 7-week series of interactive learning sessions for those who question faith and those who want to dig deeper to learn more. We’re going to do a deep dive into five key questions:

Who is Jesus? Why did he die? What is the Bible? How do we read it? and What is baptism?

Pastor T. C., who is a self-described “theology nerd,” loves this style of cohort learning and will be facilitating. By creating this intentional space for questioning and learning, we also form closer community and grow together. So join us in Theater Mu from 8:30-9:30 AM starting this Sunday.
