A Community of Misfits on a Mission

Sunday Gatherings

We’re honored to host our worship gatherings in the Kwame McDonald Studio at Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN). All are welcome and most people dress casually. There’s coffee and fellowship at 9:30 and the service begins at 10:00.

Our Service

Our worship gatherings follow a pattern: Gather, Word, Table, Send.

During the “Gather” portion of the service, we often begin our time together with a grounding practice such as a Breath Prayer. We also remind ourselves of who we are and why we gather as a community with a unique misfit call to worship. We also sing the Doxology to express our gratitude for God’s provision.

During the “Word” portion, there is often a message, sermon, or homily, grounded in scripture and enriched by tradition and experience. Teachings often follow the seasons of the Church Calendar like Advent, Christmastide, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. There is also often a Children’s Sermon or activity and then we sing a blessing song over the children.

At the center of our worship gatherings is the “Table”. Holy Communion is a sacrament ordained by Jesus for all his disciples. We often serve grapes and gluten free bread. Wine is also available.

One of our most cherished traditions to close our “Send” time with a musical benediction song called “Peace of God.”


We value each person who attends our gatherings and expect to hear from the Spirit through them. We also honor every person’s unique story. That’s why we often make space for sharing and community input during the teaching portion of our service. Sermons or homilies will often be accompanied by times of table dialogue.

Kids’ Ministry

Children are an important part of our worship gatherings. We know that they have their own connections to God and also want to learn and have fun. Pastor Osheta leads our Rooted Families and Roots Kids ministries. If you have any questions about kids’ ministry upcoming gatherings, please feel free to reach out to Pastor Osheta at: Osheta at RootsMC dot org