A Community of Misfits on a Mission

'Jesus' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

The Church As Forged Family

“…in the ancient Near East the idea of a single community across the traditional boundaries of culture, gender, and ethnic and social groupings was unheard of. Unthinkable, in fact. But there it was. A new kind of ‘family’ had come into existence. Its focus of identity was Jesus; its manner of life was shaped by…

Ears to Hear: The Parables of Jesus

Why Parables Now? This week Roots is starting a new teaching series on the parables of Jesus called “Ears to Hear.” We’re going to be taking another look at these enigmatic stories with an ear for what they might be saying to us now. Jesus told these parables as a way of drawing people in,…

New Teaching Series: ReFind

In a time and place where the religion of Christianity no longer enjoys unrivaled social privilege and power, a lot of people are questioning fundamental Christian beliefs—including Christians. Many are calling this “deconstruction” and it has caused some to fear that Christian faith is under attack. However, deconstruction doesn’t have to feel threatening, because not…

“Kingdom Hybridity” (Ephesians 2.11-22)

In the second half of chapter 2, Paul teaches that the cross of Jesus does more than just reconcile people to God, it also reconciles people groups to one another. Namely, Jesus’s life of self-sacrificial love shows us the way to peace and tears down the divisions between people of different cultures. The Way of…