A Community of Misfits on a Mission

Past Events (Page 12)

Rest Sunday

As we enter into our summer teaching series, “Ancient Paths: The Enneagram & Finding Rest for Our Souls,” we want to practice what we’re preaching by taking a Rest Sunday. That means, this Sunday, the 28th, there won’t be a collective worship gathering at SPNN. Instead, we encourage you to connect with God through the…

Worship Gathering (Teaching Sunday)

Join together with other misfits for worship, a Teaching Sunday, in which we’ll be led in musical worship by Rachel Daun and Pastor T. C. will conclude the “Hope on the Horizon” series with a message on “Restoring Hope.” There will also be Roots Kids ministry.

Worship Gathering (and Mother’s Day)

Join together with other misfits for a worship gathering at SPNN at 10am (coffee “hour” begins at 9:30). Pastor Osheta will be preaching and we’ll reveal a special way Roots is honoring mothers.

Fellowship Sunday (Pancake Brunch)

Join other misfits for Fellowship Sunday! Once a month we gather during at the typical time for worship (10am) to share a meal together, pray with one another, and process/dialogue about what we’ve been learning in our current teaching series. This week we’ll talk about our current series, Hope on the Horizon!

Installation & Charter Celebration

Join other misfits this Sunday for a very special service. Last month, Roots became a Moravian church. This Sunday we’re celebrating! Pastors T. C. and Osheta will be installed by Bishop Kay Ward with special guests Northern Province President Betsy Miller and Western District President Bruce Nelson. We’ll be commemorating Earth day, Pastor Osheta will…