At our beloved Mama Janie’s request, we’re gathering with her on Christmas Eve for an in-person, contemplative gathering with candle-light and carols. In addition to being our observance of Christmas, it is also Mama Janie’s birthday. That is why we’re affectionately and informally calling it “Jesus & Janie” :) For directions, email TC at RootsCov…
Join other misfits for a Christmas Pageant—telling the story of Jesus’s birth! We’ll all be decked out in our Ugly Christmas Sweaters and we’ll share a Moravian Lovefeast of hot cocoa and cookies! Check out this video announcement for more info!
Join other misfits for a live and interactive online worship gathering tomorrow morning at 10am. Pastor T. C. will be presiding and we will continue in our teaching series for the season of Advent with a message from Isaiah 9 on the throne titles of “Mighty God and Everlasting Father“. You can join by going…
Join other misfits for an in-person worship gathering in the Community Room of the Prior Works building in St. Paul (755 Prior Ave. N.) in which will commemorate the second week of Advent. Advent is a season of the Christian calendar that provides us with space to explore some of the deep wells of the…
Join other misfits for our live, online, and interactive worship gathering as Pastor Osheta presides and kicks off the season of Advent.