This week, we will conclude the “To Become One” teaching series featuring Dr. Christena Cleveland. In this week’s videos, she will discuss the church as a “community of healing” and “hope for the future.” Pastor Osheta will be hosting live and Pastor Der will lead us in musical worship. Discussion Guide
This week, Dr. Christena Cleveland guides us through an exploration of cross-cultural ministry, living in solidarity with the oppressed, and recognizing our social privileges. Discussion Guide
After George Floyd’s murder here in the Twin Cities, there was a number of dynamics that surfaced. One of the dynamics was between Asian Americans and African Americans due to the involvement of Tou Thao, a former MPD officer. Many Hmong Americans received threats of violence while other Hmong Americans marched and protested for Black…
The last three weeks have been an unveiling. Millions of people are waking up anew to the the deep-seated, systemic racism that pervades American society. The church isn’t exempt. That is why we’re spending the next three Sundays learning and dialoguing about the church and racism. In this video series, Christena Cleveland (PhD) will guide…
This week, as we continue exploring Pentecost, we will see how the early church confronted external opposition and internal challenges, including systemic ethnic privilege and economic disadvantage. What could the divine wisdom from the Scriptures have to teach us about our witness to the broader society?