A Community of Misfits on a Mission

Announcements (Page 5)

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Good Friday

We’re also very excited to invite you a combined worship gathering with our sisters and brothers in Christ at Faith City Church in East St. Paul (781 7th Street East) for Good Friday. There will be a worship service as well as a contemplative Visio Divina experience of “Graffiti Stations of the Cross” by Pastor…

40-Day Journey with Howard Thurman

Join us this Lenten season for a special teaching series following along with the book 40-Day Journey with Howard Thurman, led by Pastor Osheta. Thurman is a profoundly significant figure in American Christian thought, influencing millions, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His work is a powerful combination of contemplative spirituality and social justice. You…

Ash Wednesday

Lent is the 40-day season of reflection and preparation for Holy Week, when we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah. It is a time of repentance, of considering Christ’s sufferings and rethinking how we are called to take up our own crosses. During this time many Christians fast, which means to abstain…

Omicron Pivot

Like all of you, the Leadership Team (LT) and Pastoral Team (PT) of Roots are beyond weary of this pandemic and can’t wait until the day when we can gather together in person without COVID-19 looming over us. However, we also can’t in good conscience put any of you, our church family, at additional and…