We will be kicking off our weekly worship gatherings with a teaching series on our rhythm of B.E.A.T.S. We’ll dig into how we as a community can live into our communal rhythm of 1) Blessing others 2) Eating together 3) Adoring God 4) Teaching from the scriptures and 5) Sharing how God is at work in our lives. No matter where you are on your faith journey, we want to invite you to join us.
Click here to see highlights from our first preview worship gathering.
Life is made up of rhythms, regular habits that either distort us or compel us toward true humanness. We believe that to be truly human, we must be in sync with the Creator God who created us in his image and likeness. We want to love what God loves, desire what God desires, and participate in what God is doing in this world. In other words, we long to have a heart that beats in rhythm with God’s own heart. Our communal gatherings will consist of:
- BLESSING others
- EATING together
- TEACHING from the Scriptures
- SHARING our stories with others