A Community of Misfits on a Mission

Narnia Night

On Thursday, December 27th, St. Paul families are invited to join Roots Covenant Church for a FREE, end-of-the-year, Narnia-themed, costume and movie-viewing party for kids. Kids can dress up like their favorite characters from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (or other books in the series), bring a pillow and blanket to curl up with on the floor, and enjoy popcorn and hot cocoa. The party will begin at 6:00PM and conclude at 9:30PM, and we’ll begin screening the film at 6:30PM. (Note: the film is nearly 2.5 hours long)

The party will take place in the Multi-Media Room of the Prior Works building (755 Prior Ave. N. St. Paul), where Roots holds it’s weekly worship gatherings on Sundays.

If you have any further questions, feel free to email Roots at: Office at Roots Cov dot org
