A Community of Misfits on a Mission

Sixth Day of Christmastide

Sunday, December 30th, is the sixth day of Christmastide, the twelve day celebration of Jesus’s birth and the incarnation of love. Join us for a Christmas litany of scriptural responsive readings.

Pastor T. C.’s message this Sunday will be entitled “Beyond A Flannel Graph Christmas: Reframing the Story of Jesus’s Birth

Flannel Graph is that nostalgic and ubiquitous technology that infested middle-class, suburban Sunday School rooms just a few generations ago. Its sanitizing and domesticating effect on the powerful, politically-charged stories of the New Testament continues to haunt our retelling and subsequent enacting of their teaching.

To move beyond the Flannel Graph Christmas story, we must Decolonize and Re-Theologize the story. We must strip away all those influences that shroud the themes of justice, political power, and non-Western cultures and ethnicities. And we must re-invest the stories with their original, powerful mystery.

Join us on Sunday, 10am, 755 Prior Ave.