A Community of Misfits on a Mission

New Year’s Eve – Worship Gathering

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”
— Ecclesiastes 3.1 NIV

Seasons are a part of life. The creation testifies to the natural rhythm its Creator has infused into its very structure. Our lives are no exception. We have just entered a new Christian year through the season of Advent and we will soon enter a new calendar year as well. Meanwhile, Roots has entered a new chapter in our story.

What meaning to we assign to the changing of seasons in our lives? Of what larger story are they part? What does faithfulness look like in this season of our lives?

We will gather for worship as a church family at the regular times on both these Sundays: 10AM at the regular location: 775 Lexington Pkwy N. in St. Paul.

Join us for singing, sharing, and contemplating what Christ’s Advent into the world and the start of a New Year means for us, together.