A Community of Misfits on a Mission

Refresh Team Gathering – Acts: Misfits on a Mission

In this first phase of Refresh, we will spend time reading and studying the book of Acts. Acts is an incredible text. It narrates the catalytic expansion of the Jesus movement throughout the first-century Roman empire. There is so much for us to learn about how the Jesus Way builds community, witnesses to the Gospel, and challenges structures of power. Acts is a fantastic place for us to spend time reflecting as we seek to be “Misfits on a Mission.” Just as the early church was a gathering of people from all different walks of life, ethnicities, and cultures, Roots also seeks to live into the beautiful diversity of Christ’s Kingdom.

A daily reading guide for Acts can be found on here. Join us for the teaching portion of the Refresh Team gatherings each Sunday as we dig into this book for strategic guidance.
