A Community of Misfits on a Mission

Worship Gathering

A teaching series on the public witness of the body of Christ

This Sunday, we are going to transition from our current teaching series on the corporate worship of the body of Christ, “Adore,” to a teaching series on the public witness of the body of Christ: “Love in Public“. To do this we must understand the vital relationship between worship and justice. Dr. Cornel West famously said, “Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.” As followers of Jesus, our primary calling is to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Paul taught the early Jesus communities he planted that love is the fulfillment of God’s will for our lives (cf. Rom. 13.10). Loving God without loving neighbor is false worship. God’s dream for the world is shalom.

Join us for the kick-off of this important series: 10am @ 755 Prior Ave N, St. Paul