Epiphany is a season of the Christian year that begins after Christmastide (the “twelve days of Christmas”). This season commemorates the revelation of Jesus Christ to the world, particular to the non-Jewish (or “Gentile”) world. From the moment Jesus was visited by the Magi, the Jesus movement has been a multi-ethnic community that points to a vision of “every tribe” being united in worship of the Lamb (Rev 7).
This unity with diversity is essential to our formation as Jesus’s disciples. In the Messiah, we are not just reconciled with God, we are reconciled with one another—destroying every “dividing wall of hostility” (Eph 2). In the Messiah, every member is a gift and every member is needed—no one is expendable! (ICor 12) In the Messiah, we form One New Humanity, a new way of being human.
Join our community of diverse misfits for worship this Sunday at 10AM (775 Lexington Pkwy N.):