It can be tough to find a church home, particularly if you only visit once or twice. We encourage you to stick around for six weeks to see if Roots is the right place for you. If, after six weeks, you realize that we’re not the fit for you, we’d love to help you find a church where you can connect.
Here are a few practical steps you can take to get to know us and get connected:
- Fill out a Connect Card at the Sunday Gathering. We’ll reach out to follow up with you. (755 Prior Ave N. St. Paul @ 10am)
- Check out our About Us page to learn more about who we are, our vision, mission, and values.
- Talk to someone on our Welcome Team and pick up some info about Roots.
- Get together with one of our Leaders. It’s simple to setup and we’d love to meet you. Just email us.
- Attend a Misfit Meal! These are an easy way to meet fellow misfits and get to know our community. Find out when and where during the Sunday Gathering.
- Listen to past Sermons. Learn more about how we approach faith and get pumped during your workout.