This Sunday, we’re continuing in our teaching series on God’s Loyal-love (hesed) with a sermon from our own Emily Morrison entitled “When God is Just a Little Too Good.” We’ll be meeting via Zoom. Check the Roots Community FB Group for the invite link or email
Join the misfits of Roots for a special Communion service over Zoom as we continue to explore the Loyal-love of God. The Zoom invite link will be shared in the Roots Community Facebook Group. If you are not a member, but would like to join in, email Pastor T. C. for the link:
Join the misfits of Roots as we continue in our summer teaching series, “Finding God on Your iPod,” with a sermon from our own Emily Morrison. She’ll be preaching on perseverance/faithfulness, drawing from Scripture and “Let’s Be Still” by The Head and the Heart. We will also be paying tribute to two heroes of the…
This week, Pastor Der will preach on the life of Joseph in Genesis 37 as he discusses the theme of “darkest before the dawn” from the song “Sunset” by The Midnight.
Join the misfits of Roots as we kick off a new teaching series called “Finding God on Your iPod.” In the beginning, God blessed humanity to create cultures. This has been part of our calling to steward creation on God’s behalf, to reflect God’s loving reign into the creation, and gather up the praises of…