A Community of Misfits on a Mission

In-Person Gathering (Prior Works)

Join other misfits for an in-person, indoor worship gathering in the Prior Works building (755 Prior Ave. N. in Saint Paul – Under the Green Water Tower). Masks and vaccination are required. Our approach to in-person, indoor gatherings is:

1. Medical science-based;
2. Abundantly cautious;
3. Considerate of the vulnerable.

Here are some of the COVID-19 precautions we will be taking:


Our teaching portion of the worship gathering will center around the message, “Family & Privilege” by Pastor T. C. which can be viewed on YouTube or here on the church website. We will have time set aside for dialogue questions to be discussed around each table.

Read more about our Sunday Gatherings

We are super excited to be together with one another for worship in the Prior Work space which has been ‘home’ to our spiritual family for some time now. We also understand that this transition brings up important and reasonable questions. Pastor Osheta, myself, and Roots’ leadership team are here to help and respond. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns: Osheta at RootsCov dot org