A Community of Misfits on a Mission

A Misfit Christmas

Misfit Christmas Slider
You are invited to join us for a Christmas Eve Gathering in the Hamline-Midway Neighborhood to celebrate the birth of Jesus! We will hear the Christmas story and sing carols in different languages. It will be a wonderful way to kick-off Christmas!

All are welcome! This is a family-friendly worship gathering, so no childcare is provided. Children are welcome to add their voices to the joyful noise of celebration. There are activity bags for kids as well :)

Invite your friends and family! Misfits, seekers, and silly people welcome.

Roots is a multicultural, neighborhood church in the Hamline-Midway neighborhood of St. Paul. We gather at Central Lutheran School on Lexington Ave. Our vision is to be a new people, rooted in Christ, who passionately love God and purposefully seek the renewal of our city.