Lent is the forty-day season of reflection and preparation for the death and resurrection of Jesus, which are commemorated on Good Friday (April 19th) and Easter Sunday (April 21st). It is a time of repentance, of considering Christ’s sufferings and rethinking how we are all called to take up our crosses. During this time many Christians fast, which means to abstain from food or some other pleasure. Some Christians integrate something new into their lives like visiting the sick, the imprisoned, a new prayer practice, and so on. It is a good season to rethink how we live and let some things go, or maybe even develop some new holy habits. Ash Wednesday (March 6th) marks the beginning of Lent. At an Ash Wednesday service, participants receive ashes in the form of a cross as a reminder of our mortality and as a sign of repentance. (Adapted from Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals)
Pastor T. C. has created a Lenten Guide that you may use to structure your Lenten meditations and reflections. This guide draws inspiration from two sources:
1. The Cross and the Lynching Tree by Dr. James Cone
2. The Lent Devotional Guide by Word of Life Church (St. Joseph, MO)

How to Use This Guide
Each of the seven weeks of Lent will begin with a [reflection] on The Cross and the Lynching Tree. The forty days of Lent do not include Sundays because every Sunday is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. Each day you will have a brief passage of Scripture for [reading], primarily from the Gospel of John. As you read pay close attention to the surprising things Jesus says and does. You will also be given the [prayer] of the week. Pray this prayer each day of that week. After that, you’ll be given suggestions on what form of [fasting] you might practice as self- denial. Finally, suggestions will be given for opportunities for [giving] to others.
You can download this guide as a PDF for easy use on a computer or mobile device.