A Community of Misfits on a Mission

Making Room in Advent

Making Room for Advent

Making Room for Advent

These characters in the first few chapters of Luke are like signposts pointing to God’s salvation for the people oflsrael. Through them, we see a glimpse of what God was getting ready to do for all nations, and his plan of redemption continues to unfold today.

And so, like any good story, as we read about Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, and the others, we find ourselves. We can see ourselves in Mary when she asks Gabriel, “How will this be?” because we know what it is like to wonder “how?” in the face of God’s call on our lives. We ache with Zechariah and Elizabeth, because we know what it is like to ask God to answer our prayers and yet remain barren and waiting.

As the characters in this story are transformed by God’s salvation, we are challenged with them to receive his salvation in similar ways. Like with the characters in Luke, God’s message is working its way out through you. Through your humanity, your yearnings and longings and his presence in the midst of them. So lean in and listen to what he is saying through your story. Make room for him, and as he dwells within you, the world will see Jesus in the flesh.

“This offering is deep and fresh, personal and powerfully corporate. I’ve benefited greatly from the art and reflections and this beautiful collection for preaching, teaching, small groups, and personal devotion … This journey through Luke has invited me into a deep understanding and willingness to join God at work in this world.”

Danielle Strickland, author, speaker, justice advocate