In this message, Pastor T. C. approaches the second way to be Christian (Be a Good Neighbor) from the standpoint of engaging with politics. To be a good neighbor, we must care about the policies that affect our neighbor’s lives and the collective well-being of society. This is what it means to seek the shalom…
In this sermon, Pastor Osheta helps us think about the Resurrection Rhythm of Hospitality that the early church practiced and how it applies to us today.
In this message, Pastor T. C. explores the first “Rhythm of Resurrection” from Acts 2: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching.” Acknowledging this passage’s potential to cause discomfort for those of us who have experienced spiritual abuse, this rhythm is principally about centering our lives around the subject of the apostles’ teaching: Jesus, and…
In this second message of the “Easter People” series (which is about practicing rhythms of resurrection), Pastor Osheta builds upon the introductory message delivered in person on Easter Sunday, by introducing the primary mode through which we practice rhythms of resurrection: Journey Groups.
In this message, Pastor T. C. reflects upon 1 John 1.8-9 and Dr. Howard Thurman’s devotional on these verses in “40-Day Journey with Howard Thurman.” Pastor T. C. challenges the sin-as-law-breaking ‘mental model’ and contrasts it with sin-as-virus and forgiveness-as-healing.