In this message, author and minister, Jerusalem Greer, shares how she discovered the connections between creation care, incarnational theology, and racial justice through the hashtag “Black Farmers.”
In this message, author and minister, Jerusalem Greer, shares how she discovered the connections between creation care, incarnational theology, and racial justice through the hashtag “Black Farmers.”
In this message, Pastor T. C. connects Roots’ value of shalom (in all four dimensions: God, self, others, world) with confronting the challenge of global warming. We will not prevent the most costly consequences of climate change with individualistic solutions. We need to look ‘upstream’ to systemic solutions.
In this sermon, Emily Morrison helps us understand the connection between our “eschatology” (our view of the “end times” or Jesus’s return) and our approach to creation care. She reminds us that God is making “all things new” *not* “all new things.”
In this message, Pastor Osheta shares about the ways creation plays a vital part in our spirituality and points to a fascinating resource called “The 3-Day Effect: How Nature Calms Our Brains” by Florence Williams.
In this sermon, Pastor T. C. introduces the “It is Good” teaching series on humanity’s calling to be stewards and vice-regents of creation on God’s behalf. He begins with Genesis chapter 1 where God says of creation: It is Good.