Pastor T. C. kicks off the “Those Who Dream” teaching series for the seasons of Advent, Christmastide, and Epiphany. In this homily, the theme of Hope is explored in the context of keeping awake to God’s work in the dark.
“Purposefully seeking the renewal of our city,” Roots’ third mission priority, requires us to have a unified vision of justice. Justice, as we have learned from Dr. Cornel West, is “what love looks like in public.” So, this week, we are looking at the big picture of justice in the biblical narrative. Like the picture…
In Acts 19, we read the account of Paul’s time in Ephesus establishing a church there. In three key passages in that chapter, we see three ways the Way of Jesus disturbs the status quo. In verses 8-10, we see that Paul’s radical Gospel of equality and unity among all ethnic groups led to the…