What does it look like to make Christmas meaningful again? How do we resist the powerful forces of consumerism and consumption? In week two of Advent, Emily Morrison explores the theme of “Spend Less” with a sermon from I Timothy 6.
What does it look like to make Christmas meaningful again? How do we resist the powerful forces of consumerism and consumption? In week two of Advent, Emily Morrison explores the theme of “Spend Less” with a sermon from I Timothy 6.
This Advent, Roots is joining with hundreds of other congregations in conspiring against consumerism in our Christmas celebrations. The first theme of Advent Conspiracy is “Worship Fully.” In this sermon, Pastor T. C. explores the way we are formed by embodied practices. The apostle Paul teaches us to “offer our bodies as living sacrifices” to…
We conclude our teaching series, “Advent in Narnia,” with a message by Pastor T. C. on Matthew 3.1-12. The Advent season is a time of preparation for Christmastide, when we celebrate the birth of Messiah Jesus, the King and Liberator. During Advent, we take sober inventory of our hearts and lives. John the Forerunner calls…
This week, Pastor T. C. kicked off the season of Advent and the “Advent in Narnia” teaching series with a message about Advent as a mystery we encounter with humility and wonder, like Lucy stumbling through the wardrobe. At times, we need a spiritual wake-up call, to recapture a sense of child-like faith. Yet, Narnia…