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In this message, Pastor T. C. homes in on another area of overlap between Roots and the Moravian Church: a Jesus-centered reading of the Bible.
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In this message, Pastor T. C. homes in on another area of overlap between Roots and the Moravian Church: a Jesus-centered reading of the Bible.
In this sermon, Pastor T. C. teaches on the kind of community God is forming in Christ—a community of misfits. Jesus didn’t gather the best and brightest, he gathered the overlooked and underestimated. Jesus did this to demonstrate the nearness of God’s Kingdom to all, not just the religious elite. In fact, God’s election has…
In this message, Pastor T. C. explores the first “Rhythm of Resurrection” from Acts 2: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching.” Acknowledging this passage’s potential to cause discomfort for those of us who have experienced spiritual abuse, this rhythm is principally about centering our lives around the subject of the apostles’ teaching: Jesus, and…
Pastor T. C. kicks off a new teaching series called “Zip Code: Homing in on Who We Are to Know Where We’re Going.” This message explores a passage from Paul’s letter to the Colossian church about finding identity in Christ. Identity sets a trajectory that leads us to our destiny.
In this message, Pastor T. C. explores two of the four “throne names” from Isaiah 9 and their relationship to the strength of vulnerability and God’s reign of justice and righteousness.