A Community of Misfits on a Mission

Sermons on Jesus (Page 5)

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In this message, Pastor T. C. preaches on Jesus’s baptism and wilderness temptation (Mark 1), belovedness, and observing Lent. Like Jesus, we are grounded in our belovedness, against which no weapon can prosper.

Water for the Journey

In this sermon, Pastor T. C. caps off the “Loyal-love” series with a message from the Old Testament lectionary reading: Exodus 17.1-6. This is the story of God providing Israel water from a rock while they traveled in the wilderness. Right now many of us feel like we’re also wandering in a desert place. But…

When God Seems Too Good

In this sermon, Emily Morrison reflects on two passages from this week’s lectionary readings: Matthew 20 (the parable of the vineyard workers) and John 4. In both, we see how the lavish Loyal-love and graciousness of God can seem a little too good at times. How do we respond when we feel this way? Emily…